The Meaning Behind Chakra Candles
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There is no doubt that candles can really brighten up both the home and the heart. The soft flickering of a candle sitting on the hearth is relaxing on an almost spiritual level. But did you know there is a way to go even deeper than that? CHIJI has developed a unique way of utilizing all the magic of candles to help calm your soul. Our crystal energy candles are also useful as chakra candles, so let’s go deeper into the whats, whys, and hows.
Chakra 101
To learn how chakra candles work and what you can do with them, you have to first understand a little bit about chakras. The easiest way to explain chakras is that they help to hold and balance the body’s energy.
The word chakra comes from Sanskrit, and it roughly translates to either “wheel” or “disk.” Chakras are important in a variety of different metaphysical ways, playing an important role in yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic practice. They are located up and down the spine, and there are seven in total. Chakras can’t be seen with the naked eye, but are sensed or felt, especially by people who have learned how to do that through practice. The energy that flows through the chakras is known as “prana,” or the invisible, healing life force that keeps us healthy and alive.
The Seven Chakras
As we said, there are seven chakras in the human body. Each holds beliefs, memories, and emotions that are specific to the area of the body that they’re located in, and what that represents.
The lower chakras, which are the three that start at the very base of the spine, relate more closely to matters of the Earth and body. The three chakras that start at the crown of the head relate to issues of higher consciousness, intuition, and purpose. The chakra right in the middle of both helps to bridge both those words together as cohesively as possible. Want to know a little bit more?
The Root Chakra
The root chakra is considered the first of the seven chakras. It is located at the base of the spine (around the tailbone), and is thought to be the foundation chakra, grounding us to the Earth. When the root chakra is open and unblocked, you feel settled and capable. When it is experiencing blockages, you’ll likely feel off balance and unstable with your emotions.
The color red is most closely associated with the root chakra, as is the stone hematite. It is also related to the smell of frankincense.
The Sacral Chakra
Moving up the body, the second chakra is called the sacral chakra. It sits just an inch or so below the navel in the lower abdomen. The sacral chakra is in charge of a lot of the way that we are able to relate to our emotions, as well as the emotions of those around us. It is also thought to be the chakra that governs sex and sexuality, as well as creativity. When blocked, it can make you feel like you’re out of control.
Orange is the color associated with the sacral chakra, as is ylang-ylang and the stone Tiger’s Eye.
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is the next stop, located around your stomach in the upper abdomen. The easiest way to remember this chakra is that it is where we feel that sense of “butterflies” in our stomach, likely due to its relation to confidence and self-control. Blocked solar plexus chakras can cause you to feel a large sense of shame and self-doubt. Opening them up also opens up your ability to be yourself.
To connect with the solar plexus chakra, use the color yellow, the scent of sweet orange, and amber stones.
The Heart Chakra
Located in the very center of the chest, the heart chakra is easy to remember because of its obvious name. It is considered the bridge between the three lower chakras that we just talked about and the three upper chakras to come. It relates to feelings of love, both romantic and familial, and also impacts the way that we are able to receive love. If the heart chakra gets blocked, you’ll notice that you have difficulty opening up to people. When it’s open, you’re at your highest ability to be compassionate and empathetic.
Oddly, it isn’t the color red that is associated with the heart chakra; it’s the color green. Rose quartz is also related, and the scent of geranium can help open it up as well.
The Throat Chakra
Continuing on our journey, the next chakra we reach is the throat chakra. It takes the feelings and emotion of the heart chakra and gives them voice, controlling the way that we communicate. When the throat chakra is fully open, we can easy express how we feel. When it isn’t working at its full capacity, you’ll often feel misunderstood. The throat chakra helps you to really express your own truth.
When you are working with your throat chakra, use the color light blue (or turquoise). Similarly, the stone aquamarine is related. When it comes to scent, eucalyptus is helpful in unlocking its full potential.
The Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra sits in the middle of the forehead. The closer that we get to the seventh chakra, the closer we are to the divine and the unknown. When you activate and use the third eye, you’re able to have a better sense of the big picture. It’s half intuition and half critical thinking, and a blocked third eye chakra can lead to visions and even trouble feeling and trusting your own intuition.
Dark blue and purple are the colors more closely related to this chakra, as are the stone amethyst and the scent of jasmine.
The Crown Chakra
The final chakra, the highest point on our body, is the crown chakra. It is located at the top of the head and helps us to fully connect with our own sense of spirituality, whatever that may look like. The crown chakra differs from the other six, though, as it is incredibly difficult (if not impossible) to open and unlock fully.
The colors of violet and white correspond with the crown chakra. To use a stone to help to clear out some of the haze around the crown chakra, use clear quartz. You can also use sandalwood.
Chakra Candles
Obviously, each of the chakras is important in its own way. Being able to recognize the signs that you may be having blockages or trouble with any of the chakras can help you “treat” it. A great way to do that is by being able to unlock the chakra by using chakra candles.
Chakra candles can do this by using the benefits of aromatherapy. As you’ve learned each of the chakras have their own specific scent that is associated with them. They also have a stone that is helpful in being able to unlock and clear each chakra.
Crystal energy candles are an excellent way to connect both of those chakra opening benefits together. Choosing a scent that relates specifically to the chakra you are trying to work is a great idea and, once it has burned all the way down (they normally last between 48 and 50 hours), you can use the crystal to meditate. They are also an excellent way to practice self-care, which creates its own positive vibes.
Our Pure Love Crystal Energy candle is a great example of this. It contains a large rose quartz, which corresponds to the heart chakra. It is also made of jasmine, which can clear out the third eye chakra. Combining those two factors can help you to feel more open to both understand and express your feelings.
There are a variety of different ways in which you can work with chakra candles. Some people like using them in their meditation space to help unlock and open the potential of the chakra that you’re trying to work with. Others like working with the crystal, which often means placing it directly on top of the chakra while lying on your back in a quiet space.
There really is no right or wrong, and it’s often practice makes perfect, so don’t give up if you don’t feel much different the first time you try it. Sometimes the changes are subtle, as well.
In Summary…
Chakras are the key to being able to help keep the body’s energy in balance. When your energy is in balance, you just feel better, both mind and body. CHIJI’s crystal energy candles are an excellent way to connect with your entire body, while also giving you tools that you can use to continue to unlock your chakras in the future. Think of chakra candles as a way the be able to practice self-care on an internal level, caring for yourself completely.
What Is a Chakra? - A Primer On Chakras |
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