In your journey of self-care, you may have come across the term “aromatherapy.” While this practice has been used for a long time, it has recently become more popular. The great thing about aromatherapy is that it can be used for a number of different things in addition to your self-care practices. In today’s post, we will take a look at aromatherapy and how you can use it effectively in your everyday life.
Practicing self-care is a great way to relax and center your mind and body. The stress of life can often be overwhelming, but by adopting different types of self-care into your daily routine, it is easier for you to stay focused and overcome the stresses of life. At Home of Chiji, our goal is to provide you with all of the products you need to aid your self-care practice, whether you’re in need of aromatherapy crystal energy candles, face rollers, or even a super soft plush blanket for relaxing nights on the couch. Explore our products to find the ones that speak to you, and start shopping at Home of Chiji today!
Aromatherapy for Beginners
For those who are new to the practice of aromatherapy, you may be under the impression that aromatherapy is simply the act of smelling different scents. However, aromatherapy is so much more than that! When you practice aromatherapy, you use essential oils, which are oils derived from natural plant extracts. These essential oils can be used to help heal the mind, body, and spirit, either by smelling them through a diffuser, adding them to a relaxing bubble bath, or even applying them directly to your skin.
Purchasing Your Oils
The first thing you will do when you decide to start practicing aromatherapy is purchase your essential oils. If you walk into any health food store, you will quickly notice that there is a wide variety of different essential oils. Some oils are pure extracts, while others may be a combination of different extracts that serve a unique purpose such as helping you relax or aiding you with sore muscles. It’s important to do your research and learn more about what each oil does, the health benefits, and what it can do when combined with other oils. If you’re completely unsure where to even begin, you may want to try a beginner’s kit, which usually consists of a few basic oils like tea tree oil, lavender, ginger, orange, and more!
Another thing you should keep in mind when you purchase your essential oils is that not all oils are created equal. Some companies may produce stronger oils than others, or the quality may not be as good. It’s also important to note that some companies dilute their essential oils while others offer a “pure” version that is much stronger.
Using Your Essential Oils
Once you have your essential oils, the next step is to determine how you use your oils. As mentioned above, there are many different ways to practice aromatherapy, and depending on the desired result, some methods may be more effective than others. For example, if you are suffering from a headache, a common essential oil to use is peppermint. Depending on the severity of the headache, you may choose to use a diffuser to gradually help ease the pain, or you may choose to add a few drops of peppermint oil to some coconut oil and rub it into your temples. A few other methods you can try include:- Inhalers
- Bath salts
- Hot and cold compresses
- Clay masks
- Aromatic spritzers
- Body oils or lotions
- Facial steamers
The method you choose largely depends on your personal preference, and in the beginning, you may choose to try a few different methods to see which works best!
Don't Be Afraid to Combine Your Oils
While some oils are great on their own for combating headaches, stress, and other ailments, you will soon learn that there are multiple essential oils that help with the same or similar conditions. As mentioned earlier, some essential oils are sold in their own combinations, and while you may enjoy buying the pre-combined bottles, you may find it even more enjoyable to experiment and create your own combinations. It’s important to do your research before you begin your aromatherapy journey, but you also shouldn’t be afraid to try different things and see what scent combinations you like. While aromatherapy is mostly used for healing, you can also practice it simply because the different scents bring you joy!