Unusual Gifts: Eclectic Ideas For Every Occasion

Buying the right gift for your loved one can sometimes feel like an impossible mission. We all want to give the perfect gift, the one that makes them cry happy tears and gasp with joy. But the longer we know someone, the more difficult it can feel to find something that they haven’t been given before.
That’s why we created the gift options we have here at Chiji, and why we have a few other suggestions as well, no matter the occasion. Here are just a few for many of the biggest gift giving holidays out there.
Sage For A House Warming Gift
If you’re looking for an eclectic gift for a friend or family member that is moving into a new home, consider giving the gift of sage.
Sage is known for its cleansing properties and ability to clear out bad vibes and replace them with a neutral space, ready to fill with positive energy. You can purchase sage in bundles, and gift them with a card explaining how to use them. If you’re feeling particularly generous, you can even give them an abalone shell and personalized lighter to really make the ritual uniquely their own.
Giving the gift of sage for a house warming is also giving the gift of a calm, relaxed space free of negativity and any energy left behind by the previous tenants. It’s also relatively inexpensive, and easy to find and purchase.
You can also offer to come over and help them clean the house before using the sage. Many believe that opening up all the doors and windows and sweeping the old dirt out helps the sage do a better job of cleansing the space. Moving and unpacking can feel like a huge, exhausting burden, so offering to help with the labor is a great gift all by itself.
Crystal Energy Candles For Christmas
Everyone knows that candles are perfect as Christmas presents, because they can be used by anyone no matter who they are or how they identify.
We specifically created our crystal energy candles to be a more unique alternative than the usual candles that get gifted. We have candles for four different needs - Protection, Pure Love, Abundance, and Positive Vibes. Each candle is made of 100% natural soy wax and filled with a few different types of real, natural, ethically sourced miniature crystals. They also come with a larger crystal that can be used for meditation after the candle is fully burned out.
The best part of candles is that they fill your home not only with those positive, welcoming vibes that candles naturally exude, but also whatever scent you’ve chosen. There’s nothing quite like walking into a space that is filled with a calming scent, like lavender, to really change your mood after a long day at work.
We love candles as gifts because they just promote an overall warm, comforting vibe in the home. However, candles tend to make better gifts for people without small children or nosy pets, as they can serve as a fire risk if left unattended.
Self Care Items For Birthdays
For a special birthday gift sure to please anyone, no matter how old they are, give them the gift of self care.
Unfortunately, the older we get the less time we spend taking care of ourselves. We focus so much on taking care of the people around us that we forget to take any time out to pay attention to our own needs. It is often seen as a normal part of growing up, but it doesn’t have to be!
Giving self care items, like face rollers, are a good way to encourage the people you love to make it more of a priority to make time to take care of themselves. You can also put together a self care basket, as another way of giving them a selection of self-care must-haves without needing to spend their own money.
Good items to include in a spa gift basket are massage and mani/pedi gift certificates, nail polish, face masks, essential oils, and lotion. You can also customize it further with other things you know that they’ll be likely to enjoy, like movie theater gift certificates or gift cards to a bookstore.
Another great self care gift is the gift of a class that you can take with them. Aim for something unusual but fun, an experience like goat yoga or a sip and paint class. You’ll encourage them to get out of their comfort zone and will make a memory together that neither one of you is likely to forget.
Comfortable Gifts For Mother’s Day
For the mom who is always on the go, give them the gift of comfort as well as an excuse to stay home.
Plush blankets are the perfect gift for this exact reason. Moms deserve to spend as much time on the couch as they want, especially on the weekends. A blanket can keep them warm and comfortable while they relax in the morning, especially before the children wake up in the morning. Moms work so hard, and most aren’t great at taking time out for themselves… but you can help.
Comfortable items of clothing are also perfect for any mom. A nice, soft pair of pajama pants, a cozy pair of slippers, or a comfortable robe shows the moms in your life just how much you care about their comfort. They are also always a welcome gift, no matter who you’re buying for.
Everyone wants to be as comfortable as possible, and it's another reminder of how important self care is. Pay attention to the fabrics and colors that they like and try to get them something that really matches their aesthetic.
If you really want to be extra nice to any mom in your life, offer to watch their small children (if they have any). They can throw on their comfortable clothes, make a bowl of popcorn, and relax on the couch with Netflix or their favorite movie without being constantly interrupted.
Throw in a self care basket, so they can do a face mask or paint their nails, and you may literally be able to see the stress roll away. It’s an incredibly thoughtful gift, and is unusual because not very many people care enough to offer up their own time in exchange.
A “Beefy” Father’s Day Gift
Most dads don’t tend to be overly sentimental, and that’s alright!
If you want to give your dad something unique for Father’s day, though, you can always surprise him with a beef jerky bouquet. It can feel weird to get your dad flowers, even though everyone deserves them, but with beef jerky flowers, your dad can eat his feelings in a good way. It’s the perfect, weird gift that no father will expect but every father will love.
Each bouquet comes in a few different varieties - spicy, hot, mild, and teriyaki, and are sent directly to his home in a pint glass that he can continue to use far after the beef jerky is gone.
Don’t forget that self care baskets are also great for dads. Long gone are those outdated gender roles that say that men can’t take care of themselves. Men can, and do, enjoy massages and time spent on personal care and hygiene. Support the men in your life, especially the fathers, on their special day by allowing them the time and ability to practice their own self care.
Give Your Heart Away For Valentine’s Day
Okay, no, not literally.
But with how cliche and overblown Valentine’s Day can feel, especially for the less than romantically inclined, the same cheesy options just won’t do.
That’s why we like the idea of giving gifts that are more anatomically correct. Why give someone a cartoon heart when you can give them an accurate stuffed version of one?
You can also give them your heart in the form of a coffee cup, and who doesn’t love coffee? Fill the cup with chocolate covered coffee beans or a local roast from their favorite coffee shop and you can almost guarantee they’ll be yours forever.
Don’t settle for the old, routine way of doing things. Mix it up a bit. If you’re with the right person, they’ll appreciate your sense of humor. Plan a nice night together, where you both cook, followed by time spent cuddled under a warm blanket on the couch. It’ll be the perfect Valentine’s Day you didn’t know you needed. Don’t buy into the idea that you have to spend a ton of money to be worthy of love.
In Conclusion
The best gifts are given with care and love. No matter the occasion, giving a fun, cool gift is a great way to show that you really know the person you’re giving it to. We’d love to help you out, with unique gift ideas like our Crystal Energy Candles® and Plush Blankets sure to delight anyone on your gift list.
Gift giving can be fun if you just know where to start!