10 Enlightenment Spiritual Symbols Across Different Cultures
Posted by GR0
The world is enormous, acting as home to nearly eight billion people globally. We can now trace our ancestry back hundreds of thousands of years with modern technology, giving people a connection with their roots they couldn’t have even a decade or two ago. But finding out who your relatives were is only one part of the story. Connecting with what they believed in can also give you insight into where you came from, and spiritual beliefs are a massive piece of that puzzle. To help, we wanted to provide you with a list of some of the most common...
10 Enlightenment Spiritual Symbols Across Different Cultures
Posted by GR0

The Symbols of Balance Throughout History
Posted by GR0
Balance is essential, both physically and mentally. Feeling balanced is one of the keys to living a happy life and it is so vital to the true spirit of humanity that symbols of balance have been found throughout history. Understanding and recognizing those symbols serve as a daily reminder that you need to focus on your own sense of balance and happiness. No one knows that better than those of us at Home of Chiji, where we specialize in your self-care. Here are some of the symbols of balance that have appeared throughout history and ways that you can find...
The Symbols of Balance Throughout History
Posted by GR0

Skin Care 101: Do You Exfoliate or Cleanse First?
Posted by GR0
Developing a quality skincare routine is essential for keeping your skin as youthful and radiant on the outside as you are on the inside. Part of putting together a routine that works for your unique skin is knowing the proper order to do it. Do you exfoliate or cleanse first? Should you use toner? What type of moisturizer is best? To help you create your optimal self-care routine for your skin, Home of Chiji has all the answers to those questions and more tips and tricks you need to know! What Are the Important Elements of a Skin Care Routine?...
Skin Care 101: Do You Exfoliate or Cleanse First?
Posted by GR0

Crystal Purification: How To Clean Crystals and Stones
Posted by GR0
It’s easy to get excited about crystal healing and want to skip right to putting it into practice. However, when you do that, you miss out on one of the most important steps—crystal purification. Next to connecting with your crystals personally, Home of Chiji believes crystal purification can make or break your crystal work. Learning how to clean crystals can give you a blank, neutral slate to work with and stop old energy and vibes from bleeding into your current work. Here’s how you can clean your own stones and crystals. Why Should You Clean Your Crystals? Although we don’t...
Crystal Purification: How To Clean Crystals and Stones
Posted by GR0

Crystal Healing History: How Far Back Does This Ancient Practice Go?
Posted by GR0
Crystal healing history is far older and more complex than people think. While crystal healing may seem like a “new age” thing, civilizations have used it for centuries to help with physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental concerns. When used correctly, crystals can be incredibly powerful tools, and the knowledge gained from knowing the history behind crystal healing is irreplaceable. Home of Chiji has the information you need to start your own crystal healing practice and use it the most effectively. How Far Back Does Crystal Healing History Go? One of the more difficult parts of history is tracing back a...
Crystal Healing History: How Far Back Does This Ancient Practice Go?
Posted by GR0

The Body Scrub Benefits You Need To Be Aware Of
Posted by GR0
When was the last time you took time out for self-care? If it’s been a while, or if you’ve just been looking for new and different ways to take better care of yourself, we’re here to help! At Chiji, we believe very strongly in the power of self-love. You have to take care of your needs first before you can take care of anyone else’s. Self-care is all about checking in with yourself both mentally and physically. In our opinion, one of the best ways to do that is by simply taking a bath or extended shower. To enhance that...
The Body Scrub Benefits You Need To Be Aware Of
Posted by GR0

Jade Roller vs. Rose Quartz Roller: Benefits and Differences
Posted by GR0
No matter which crystal you choose, facial rollers have the potential to help boost your self-care game substantially. For many people, the conversation of which stone is better comes down to the jade roller vs. rose quartz roller. Although this is a matter of personal opinion, each offers specific, unique benefits to the user. At Home of Chiji, we make self-care our business. We want to give you all of the tools and knowledge you need to take the best care of yourself possible, and facial rollers are just a tiny part of how we can help you do that....
Jade Roller vs. Rose Quartz Roller: Benefits and Differences
Posted by GR0

How To Create a Good Feng Shui House Layout
Posted by GR0
There is something therapeutic about rearranging the furniture in your home. Changing up your layout breathes fresh air into space and helps empower you in a way no other home project can. If you’re getting ready to remodel your personal space and are looking for a bit of inspiration, look no further! No matter what your aesthetic is, using a feng shui house layout can help support your space. Even if you’ve never heard of the concept of feng shui before, we have easy-to-implement design tips and tricks that you can start using today! We’ll also suggest a few Chiji...
How To Create a Good Feng Shui House Layout
Posted by GR0

Aventurine Properties: Benefits and Uses of Aventurine
Posted by GR0
Right from the beginning, even the name aventurine grabs your attention. What secrets does the stone have to share? How can it be used? Whether you are new to crystal work or have been using it to improve your life for years, it is crucial to have more information about any stone you use. Knowing the benefits, properties, and uses can help you determine which stone (or combination of stones) will complement your goals the most. We love crystals at Chiji and strongly believe in their power and potential. In this article, we’ll focus specifically on aventurine properties. Our goal...
Aventurine Properties: Benefits and Uses of Aventurine
Posted by GR0

How to Tap Into Your Psychic Development
Posted by GR0
All of us have a hidden, inner source of knowledge. Have you ever just “felt” something before it happened? Had a bad feeling about a person, place, or situation? That’s your innate psychic wisdom trying to talk to you! Intuition is like any other muscle. To utilize it to the fullest, you have to take the time to build it up to the level you’re hoping to achieve. Unfortunately, when you’re trying to attain psychic development, you can’t just head to the gym. But, don’t worry. You’re not on your own. All of us at Chiji believe in you! We...
How to Tap Into Your Psychic Development
Posted by GR0

How To Identify the Signs of Negative Energy in a Person
Posted by GR0
Have you ever been around someone that just gave you bad vibes? How many times did your gut instinct turn out to be correct? Learning how to access your intuition, and recognizing the signs of negative energy in a person, can save you heartache and frustration. Negative energy is real, even though you can’t physically see it. Home of Chiji is here to help you identify it so that you can avoid people who may bring it into your life. Life is stressful enough, so don’t waste one more second of your time on anything that doesn’t serve you. If...
How To Identify the Signs of Negative Energy in a Person
Posted by GR0

How To Awaken Kundalini Energy With Crystals
Posted by GR0
Chakras are the body’s energy centers, allowing energy to flow in and out. This energy flow is the key to feeling balanced, both in your mind and your physical body. However, unlocking it by chakra can be difficult and time-consuming. Luckily, a source of energy flows through each of the seven chakras (and the body as a whole). This energy is known as kundalini. Learning how to awaken kundalini energy is a massive step in your self-development and can even help you get one step closer to true enlightenment. Home of Chiji would like to show you how crystals can...
How To Awaken Kundalini Energy With Crystals
Posted by GR0