Consistency Is Key To The Best Benefits Of The Tool
Posted by GR0
One of the reasons we founded CHIJI was to help provide you with products that can remind you of how important it is to prioritize your own self care. No matter what your self care routine looks like, making sure that you set aside time for yourself, both mentally and physically, is absolutely essential. Jade face rollers are one of our favorite self care tools because their results are not only visible, but also helpful to both create and maintain positive self esteem. Jade Facial Roller Basics First and foremost, let’s talk about facial rollers. The basic anatomy of a...
Consistency Is Key To The Best Benefits Of The Tool
Posted by GR0

How To Practice Self Care
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Most people are aware of at least the idea of self care, time that is set aside strictly to take care of your own needs (both mentally and physically). What they might not be aware of is the importance of practicing good self care, and the impact that it can have on your life if you choose to ignore your needs in favor of taking care of everyone else’s. One of the best ways that you can begin to prioritize yourself and make sure that you are acting from a healthy place is to create a self care plan. CHIJI...
How To Practice Self Care
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How To Get Started With Self Care
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Self care tends to get overlooked, especially by people with busy lives. When we get focused on our jobs and our relationships, which is a necessary part of living a successful life, the unfortunate side effect is that we tend to neglect ourselves. In society, those people are the ones who get most vocally praised for being dedicated, but at what cost does that dedication come? CHIJI has based our entire business philosophy on the importance of self care. If you’re still unsure of why it is so important, and how you can be better at practicing it, we hope...
How To Get Started With Self Care
Posted by GR0

Introduction to Rose Quartz Healing Properties
Posted by GR0
Of the many crystals that are out there, few are as misunderstood as rose quartz. The stone often gets written off as only being good for matters of the heart, but it has so many more positive benefits than just that. In fact, those of us here at CHIJI believe in the power of rose quartz so much that we featured it in one of our crystal energy candles. So, what exactly is rose quartz good for and how can you best use it? The Physical and Chemical Properties of Rose Quartz Rose quartz, known chemically as Si02, is one...
Introduction to Rose Quartz Healing Properties
Posted by GR0

Can Both Facial Rollers Deliver Results?
Posted by GR0
After you’ve decided to purchase a face roller, your next decision will be what stone you’d like to choose to help amplify its benefits. With so many different stones on the market, it’s likely to be a difficult choice to make. How can you possibly choose? To help you out, the staff at CHIJI has broken down two of the most popular choices out there: jade and rose quartz. How do they differ, and what is the best choice for your needs? Why You Should Purchase A Facial Roller Face rollers may sound like a new trend, but they can...
Can Both Facial Rollers Deliver Results?
Posted by GR0

Our NEW Crystal Energy Candles
Posted by GR0
The winter brings snow, holiday music, and gift-giving festivities for all. It also heralds the beginning of a new year and new possibilities. But winter also brings darkness, cold, and isolation for many, particularly in this current climate. It can be more difficult than usual to maintain a positive or reinforcing environment in your home: the one place you expect to be free from negative thoughts and energies. Although winter can be tough, we also know that candles and meditation crystals offer peace and security for many. That’s why we produce Crystal Energy Candles at Chiji, focusing on combining the...
Our NEW Crystal Energy Candles
Posted by GR0

Where to Buy Essential Oils: Buying Guide
Essential oils are everywhere. While the increase in popularity is amazing for introducing more people to the power of essential oils, it can also make it more difficult to know what to look for when starting out. Here at Chiji, we very much believe in self-care. Part of self-care is being informed about what you’re allowing not only in but also on your body, as we only get one body in this life. To help anyone on their essential oil journey, no matter where you may be, we’ve created our own buying guide. We hope you leave with more information...
Where to Buy Essential Oils: Buying Guide

Cool Gifts: Sure To Please
No one wants to be the person who buys a lame gift. There aren’t many feelings in the world as terrible as having someone open a present you’ve put thought into and shrug their shoulders or have to fake excitement. This year, instead of shopping with fear, give a cool gift that is sure to please. We have a variety of different gift ideas, which will hopefully inspire you to really blow their minds! Self Care Gift Baskets Self care is always important, no matter who your giftee is. With how go-go-go the world is these days, slowing down to...
Cool Gifts: Sure To Please

Wellness: What is it?
We’ve all heard about wellness and self-care. So many companies are using these words as buzzwords, advertising slogans that draw people in. But the real truth of wellness is something that no one can put a price tag on. It is a whole body, whole person approach to living your best life, and includes multiple dimensions. It is also frequently misunderstood, and confused with a variety of other terms. So what is wellness? What Exactly is Wellness? Wellness is the process of making healthier life choices by increasing your awareness of your life as a whole. It is a process...
Wellness: What is it?

Natural Wellness: Light Your Soul
There are so many ways to practice wellness and self care. Each person is individual, and the ways that they choose to practice wellness for themselves is individual, too. Many people are turning more toward natural ways to light up their soul and take care of both their mind and body. Stone Face Rollers One natural wellness practice for facial skin care is using a stone face roller. Stone face rollers have increased in popularity not only for the benefits that they provide, but the fact that no chemicals are needed to enjoy them. Jade rollers specifically have even been...
Natural Wellness: Light Your Soul

Unique Christmas Gifts: 10 Ideas You Haven't Thought Of
Getting together with loved ones, eating a home cooked meal, and opening presents on Christmas is a time-honored tradition for many people. There aren’t many days of the year that are quite like it--days that feel as full of love and family as those during the holiday season. If you’re struggling to find a gift that is unique as your giftee is, look no further. Here at Chiji, we love the feelings that come with this time of year, which is why we want to help. We’ve come up with 10 different, special, and unique Christmas gift ideas that you...
Unique Christmas Gifts: 10 Ideas You Haven't Thought Of

Unusual Gifts: Eclectic Ideas For Every Occasion
Buying the right gift for your loved one can sometimes feel like an impossible mission. We all want to give the perfect gift, the one that makes them cry happy tears and gasp with joy. But the longer we know someone, the more difficult it can feel to find something that they haven’t been given before. That’s why we created the gift options we have here at Chiji, and why we have a few other suggestions as well, no matter the occasion. Here are just a few for many of the biggest gift giving holidays out there. Sage For A...
Unusual Gifts: Eclectic Ideas For Every Occasion